
Human existence - spread ideas

First of all I will you to know I have been christian since 2000 and I was also when child in my catholic primary school.

But I will say you, reality is not as exposed in books or media, based on the precedent there is one power that has got time to work and at the end of this era will not be, and trust will govern in the person of saviour. I do charity and do for jesus many things daily, also *I want to be a saint and heal people in the name of Jesus. Perhaps in the future i get beatified or saint but it wil be not easy because I now believe in ecumenism and most of all in gospel evangelist religion.

There are things that we see no one can say but every one sees, have you asked yourself why?


I will to say you why I can affirm that human been does travels to future or past like movie back-to-the-future. I can explain. Electronics is one thech from XX century and is based on electrons, now we comunicate with photons in digital signals. So, if one 1/0 signal is generated with quantums or atomic elements travel in time, we can send digital information to future or past.


Have you seen at nights in the stars trying to find order or message from god, the Orion constelation, so then everything is easy, Belt of Orion, Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, Salph, Rigel. There I see one message, and it means order, those stars that most bright draw several information (why no one in this worlds sayis it yet??), first of all ist the belt of one human, but also its the figure of two triangles. I believe Orion figure is about we could travel once by there and that human being hast been at space for millions and trillions of years. Also I dont know which civilization created those bright stars message.


There is a power that governs nature and it is the feelings, feelings are produced by spirit and then meet or body of any living being acts and then, that being kills, lives, eats, understands, and many things. I believe under the creation of many stuff and the growing of any civilization there was spirit, but yet I dont know who was that spirit, it was God, but who elses, but evidently it was one good entity!!!.

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